Saturday, February 28, 2009

The girl and her little red bird

“Prudence Starkey, you little creature!” yelled a girl at the edge of the park. The day was beautiful, and so was she. But, she is prettier when she is not turning beat red and screaming. She looks the age of eleven or twelve. This girl has beautiful wavy silky red hair, which explains her fiery attitude. Her eyes are an earthy green with a glistening shine. She has a cute upturn nose; her nostrils would flair when she got angry…like now. She has ‘Angelia Jolie’ lips, but not as puffy as the octuplet mom’s lips. (What you actually think those things are real?) She is very fit and lean. This young lady also wears clothes that high schoolers would be envious of. But, this tweenager is not ‘the sweet it girl’ or ‘the benevolent cheerleader’. Some call her evil, others call her nice (if their smart of course). She is called ‘the pretty bully’, ‘the playground monster.’ She is Aubrey Bankox.
Aubrey and her two ‘bffns’ (best friends for now)-Kylene and Kenya- are walking towards the defenseless, quite, innocent, discreet girl on the complete other side of the town park. Pushing the meandering students out of the way, the villainous group started to power walk.
The sinless girl that is the target of the day, Prudence, quickly got up of the swing the moment she heard her name. Her plan is always to be invisible so she won’t be kicked out by a gang of kids. But, her plan met with disaster today.
Let me just get one thing straight before I continue with this little string of events. Prudence Starkey is not a leper or a prude or a caveman or a creature. Oh! And this one time when everybody was learning about India her whole class called her an untouchable, she is obviously not. She does not belong to the lowest class in India. She is just uhh-misunderstood. On occasion she would have friends, manly new kids. Like when Edmund Gazelle moved here, they were best friends then Edmund met people like Kendrick and Graham and uhm ditched her. School kids’ say that it’s her looks and shyness that makes people not want to talk to her. Yeah, she has a large forehead, a small amount of raven-jet black hair, tall and stick thin, and looooong arms, and she wore silly red shoes-sure but that is Prudence.
All that Prudence could do is just watch as Aubrey walked faster and faster. Until she finally arrived.
“Why in the flipping world are you here, Prude? Hum? This park is for people that are not dorks like you!”
“I’m sorry Aubrey I really am look,” she pointed to the empty swing, “I got up see? You can have it!”
“Prude do you really think I care?”
Prudence looked at the girls; Aubrey looked as mad as ever, Kenya staring back and popping her gum obnoxiously, and Kylene was texting.
“Uhm I would hope so yeah…”
“Ha!” she said sarcastically, “No Prude, I don’t!”
“Yeah, caveman!” Kenya said
“Aubrey, I really like this park and it’s big enough that you don’t even have to see me and I’ll be quite, I swear. Please?”
“No Prude! You will not stay!” she screamed, even more fired up than she was a moment ago, “So...Prude,” she said surprisingly a lot calmer, “Have a nice trip see you next fall!” Aubrey extended her arms and pushed her to the hard, ungrateful ground below. While falling, she called Prudence every word in the book, (that’s a dollar for the nickel curse jar Aubrey!)
“LEAVE!” Aubrey yelled.
Prudence heard the whole park laugh at her. At this point, Prudence is crying her eyes out. She quickly got up and started to run away and heed Aubrey’s warning.
She came to the path, the path that eventually lead to her house and next to the path was the thick woods.
“I can’t go home to mom and dad, not now.”
She choose the woods.

After five minutes of walking in the woods she came to a large meadow with a few trees. She said under one trying to control her sobbing.
“That Aubrey she so, so sinister! How can someone so pretty be so ugly?”
Almost instantly, a little red bird took landing on her lap.
“Hi little guy. You might want to leave. And not be with a creature like me!”
The bird tilted its head to the side and flew up.
Prudence just cried constantly.
Not a moment to soon, the bird returned but it had something in its mouth. It was white and loose. It was a handkerchief.
“Uhm thanks.” She said surprised.
The bird went to the tree then returned with a crinkled note that read
You’re welcome!

“Can you understand me?” Prudence questioned
The bird went to the tree and returned with another note which read:
Yeah…duh! I thought that was obvious!
Prudence got up and started to climb the tree, grabbed its nest, and came back down. To her surprise, the nest was not of twigs, but of notes that school kids would write. The bird grabbed another note by the beak and gave it to her it said:
Why so sad?

“Well it was this girl, Aubrey.” She started to tell the story of how Aubrey yelled at her, called her ‘Prude’, pushed her and, embarrassed her. “She thinks she’s so cool because she is named after Aubrey Hepburn.”
Like legit? Omg! She’s sooo mean!
“I know!” Prudence exclaimed. “Do you know what your name is?”
NAME: ______Bailey__________
“Bailey, what just really annoys me is that, well I just want to be accepted by somebody, anybody! Just one friend.”
Bailey tilted his head again and searched for a note, once he found it he put it in his beak and he landed himself on Prudence’s hand and gave her one note that said:
Best Friends Forever!!!
And a final note saying:
Congratulations! You’re accepted

Thursday, February 26, 2009


So my concept for my concept-folio is ‘The Art of Emotions’. I chose this because well…while choosing my concept I had a lot of branches of emotions that I was considering like: pain, sorrow, happiness. But then I thought that these are all branches of emotions. And thus my concept was born…so to speak. Actually there was another force...Or like a sign...That made me choose emotions and it was Fairy Oddparents. I know right? WEIRD! But uhm well the episode was about Timmy losing his emotions! HA! So I was like “I ‘gatta’ choose emotions!” so I did and I have and this is a concept-folio about it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Art of emotions

for my concept-folio in writing and visual imagination (block A) my concept is going to be the art of emotions..i got the inspiration from 'Fairy OddParents' because Timmy lost his emotions..babysitting gives great ideas :)